Parses the given document and returns true if the document is well-formed XML. (Note: this is an alias for the standard PostgreSQL function xml_is_well_formed(). The name xml_valid() is technically ...
Within your ES2015+ code, import the Xslt class, the XmlParser class and use this way: XSLT-processor contains an implementation of XSLT in JavaScript. Because XSLT uses XPath, it also contains an ...
Former art director, copyw... I am author of Mastering XSLT by Sybex and co-author of Mastering XML. I've done complex XSLT for major companies such as eBay, Hewlett Packard, and Pearson. Now I bring ...
This debugger allows you to set breakpoints in the XSL file and the source XML document. If a breakpoint is set in the source XML document then every template that matches the breakpoint will pause.
Table F.34 shows the functions available to generate UUIDs. The relevant standards ITU-T Rec. X.667, ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005, and RFC 4122 specify four algorithms for generating UUIDs, identified by the ...