A study suggests that some people could become brighter if their diet was supplemented with the right pills and potions ... concentrations of two particular brain chemicals were linked to the ...
NAD+ supplements claim to boost energy levels, brain function and improve the skin, all while reducing the physical signs of ...
So many aspects of the world are designed to take your short-term focus—10 second videos, summarized news reports, ...
Also, becauseginkgo thins the blood, some scientists are concerned that taking too muchof it could prolong bleeding, or even cause bleeding in the brain. Another promising "smart pill" is ...
Scientists at Princeton University recently created a strain of smarter mice by inserting a gene that boosts the activity of brain cells. The mice can learn to navigate mazes and find or recognize ...
Feeling like your energy levels are tanking or your brain running on low power NAD supplements might just be the secret weapon youre missing This guide will take you through ...
The human brain and mind remain among the most complex and powerful mysteries of nature. Here, we focus on the latest brain science, research, therapies and practical ideas, covering a range of ...
This is a fluorescently-labeled neuron in layer 5 of cortex from a mouse that's been treated with soluble PirB to counteract the effect of long term loss of vision in one eye. Each protrusion is a ...
The human brain includes two hemispheres connected by a bundle of nerves. The left hemisphere controls movement for the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere directs the left side.