Now, Rafi Weill, Baruch Fischer and Omri Gat have theoretically suggested the occurrence of light condensation in a laser system far simpler than that of a random resonator — namely an actively ...
Chen, C.A. Chang, W.R. Li, K.W. Lie, Y.M. and Lin, T.F. 2009. Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of R-407C and associated bubble characteristics in a narrow annular ...
This change is called condensation. The process can be reversed again if we warm up the liquid. Oh hang on. Time to get out of here I think. You really should of locked that door.
Wentzel, Nathaniel and Gunton, James D. 2007. Liquid−Liquid Coexistence Surface for Lysozyme: Role of Salt Type and Salt Concentration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 111, Issue. 6, p. 1478 ...
When water molecules in the air get cold, they slow down, join together, and become tiny drops of liquid water. This process is called condensation. This is what happens when water molecules in the ...
Many of us will be noticing condensation on our windows as we try and cut down on the amount of time we have our heating on for this year. Condensation can damage your windows and furniture ...
One dipole that we use is an azomethine ylide, that we make by condensation of a secondary amine with an aldehyde. Intramolecular cycloaddition sets up two new rings and up to four new stereocentres ...
Simple condensers consist of single tubes where vapor heat conducts to the air-cooled glass wall of the tube. Similar air versions support condensation of boiling liquids at high temperatures.