"Of impeccable provenance and having passed through the hands of dukes, archdukes, and holy Roman emperors, this magical devotional painting has the rare notoriety of having been stolen not once ...
Citizens of pastoral Liechtenstein—minute, autonomous, mountain-hemmed, principality adjoining Switzerland—had every right, last week, to call their new ruler, Prince Franz, a ...
One of the other items up for sale is a diamond ring bearing the initials MA for Marie Antoinette and containing a lock of her hair There were also pieces from King Charles X, the Archdukes of ...
The head of the UK auction house noted that the magnificent piece of religious art, based on the Gospel of Matthew, has been view by dukes, archdukes and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire LONDON ...
This is the town — calling it a city would be an overstatement — that’s wowed Roman emperors, Austrian archdukes, Romantic poets, Fascist dictators, and, more recently, an ample mix of ...