Aslan are preparing to record new music after the death of frontman and rock legend Christy Dignam last year, with the band ...
根据澳大利亚国家安全局(Australian National Security)介绍,库尔德工人党是一个以意识形态为动机的暴力极端主义组织。该组织由阿卜杜拉·奥贾兰(Abdullah Ocalan)于 1978 ...
升级后的T-72A主战坦克现配备了埃尔比特系统公司开发的现代化瞄准系统和尖端火控系统。这些升级提高了坦克的射击精度和瞄准效率。引进自主和先进的火控系统使阿塞拜疆部队能够在白天和夜晚更有效地打击目标,从而保持作战优势。新的火控系统集成了日间、夜间和激光 ...
A friend of Cigdem Aslan says any suggestion she was conducting activities for a banned Kurdish separatist group are a "100 ...
总结而言,Flywheel与亚马逊云科技的深度合作,为医疗保健领域带来了一种创新的端到端影像数据管理与计算解决方案。该方案不仅解决了数据分散、标准化缺失等长期存在的问题,还为人工智能在医疗领域的发展提供了强有力的支持。展望未来,我们有理由相信,Fly ...
Cigdem Aslan, whose Australian passport is in the name of Lenna Aslan, was reportedly arrested at Istanbul Airport on ...
如果大脑健康出了问题,会严重影响我们的生活质量。这篇文章盘点了大脑最怕的 10 件事,最后还会告诉大家保护大脑应该怎么吃,让健康从“头”开始。 2022 年 3 月发表在《自然·通讯》上的一项研究,对超过 3.6 万多名中老年人的数据进行了分析并发现 ...
She was reportedly detained on suspicion of participating in activities for the Kurdistan Workers' Party, also known as the ...
A Melbourne woman has been detained by Turkish authorities on terror charges amid accusations she supported a Kurdish ...
年纪变大,很多人会怀疑自己不中用了。 上一秒还撺在手里的手机,下一秒翻遍了家里,也想不起来放在了哪里; 兴冲冲教小孩英语,你说一个 apple,人问你那梨怎么说,你悻悻选择了闭嘴; 至于吃个鸡腿,啃完骨头却把肉丢进了垃圾桶这种事,就不说了,都不说了… ...
An Australian woman has been locked up in a Turkish prison accused of being a member of an Australian terrorist cell.