Plot size measured at 4 m by 3 m. The plant population density was 200,000 plants per hectare. The Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA 110 (Batch number 23011302, S) were obtained from MEA Company ...
Bradyrhizobium neotropicale is a bacterium from the genus of Bradyrhizobium which has been isolated from the nodules of the tree Centrolobium paraense from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. [1] [2] [3] ...
Nepal's path to achieving SDG6-ensuring clean water, sanitation and hygiene, hinges on scaling up bioremediation efforts.
1-Naphthylamine (1NA), which is harmful to human and aquatic animals, has been used widely in the manufacturing of dyes, pesticides, and rubber antioxidants. Nevertheless, little is known about its ...
Soybean is second most widely produced crop in DE, ranking just behind corn for grain. In 2017, approximately 160,000 acres of soybeans were produced in Delaware with an average yield of 51 bu/ac.
Nitrogen is a critical limiting element for plant growth and production. It is a major component of chlorophyll, the most important pigment needed for photosynthesis, as well as amino acids, the ...
慢生根瘤菌属(学名:Bradyrhizobium)为生丝微菌目硝化杆菌科的一属好氧或兼性厌氧发酵型革兰氏阴性杆菌。杆状。细菌在寄主植物的根部膨大生成根瘤,可将大气氮固定到结合状态氮(氨 ...
The objectives of this study were to investigate the key enzymes related to nitrogen and carbon metabolism in the biological nitrogen fixation process and to elucidate the activities of these enzymes ...
However, the forecast may not confirm, letting the inoculated seeds in the dry soil indefinitely. We assessed the survival of inoculated Bradyrhizobium and physiological quality of soybean seeds sown ...
Copper is an essential enzyme cofactor in bacteria, but excess copper is highly toxic. Bacteria can cope with copper stress by increasing copper resistance and initiating chemorepellent response.
The global agricultural microbial market is experiencing growth due to increase in demand for bio-fertilizers and nutrient management where microbial-based bio-fertilizers, such as nitrogen-fixing ...
小鼠成骨细胞试剂盒适用于分离培养新生儿或成年小鼠的成骨细胞。小鼠成骨细胞试剂盒提供了小鼠成骨细胞的组织分离条件,分离单个细胞的效率高。此外,还能保证所分离的细胞在培养基中 ...