Most ambitiously, officials decided to construct a series of ponds, or in bureaucratese, "cells" where brackish water from admittedly polluted rivers will be mixed with hyper-salty water pumped ...
The Review says, in typical Australian bureaucratese, “it is essential to immediately accelerate the acquisition of LAND 8710 Phases 1-2—Army Littoral Manoeuvre Vessels (Landing Craft Medium ...
numbs discomfort with bureaucratese. Daniel is not the accused but the “Respondent”; he will not be found innocent or guilty but “responsible” or “not responsible.” The Notice of ...
I clean out my office every 20 years or so, whether it needs it or not. Memories, not just clouds of dust, get stirred.
Testifying in the Billie Sol Estes investigation, former Agriculture Department Official Emery (“Red”) Jacobs spoke a classic bit of bureaucratese. “The state to which the situation has been ...
Ms. Harris’s false claim of peace is an insult to the soldiers and sailors risking their lives every day against a deadly and ...
That’s my guess. I could be wrong. And maybe “dictates” is too strong a word. Bureaucratese is not one of my languages. Regarding the farm scene specifically, some musings: I myself have ...
Economists can be a necessary ‘pain in the arse’ in public debates. But policymakers have stopped listening, and the ...
Eventually we agreed that I could fax (!) a list of questions. In return I got an unsigned response in unhelpful bureaucratese that didn’t address my queries. Even that represented a loosening ...
Because no matter how talented or enthusiastic, that person can’t build or sustain a great city on a foundation of bureaucratese and bromides. Part of our Leading Dallas series, this editorial ...
They cannot speak in normal languages; just watch the hearing again. All replies are in managerial bureaucratese. Again, that is by design—to obfuscate and evade. The most important sentence of ...
Let the imposed bureaucratic responsibilities multiply! Try not to let the bureaucratese cause your eyes to spin in their sockets: We recommend that HCOs designate a leader or unit responsible for ...