Indoor palm plants are a beautiful addition to any room. From Cat Palms to Kentia Palms to Lady Palms, this list of plants ...
They’re known as “parachuting spiders” because they spin wheel-shaped webs that allow them to travel by air if there’s a gust ...
Long prized by gardeners across Asia and Europe, Chinese pinks are associated with love and divinity. In my opinion, they ...
Beets are ready to harvest about two months after planting seeds. These earthy vegetables are grown for roundish roots along ...
Lychee (litchi chinensis) are small, fleshy tropical fruits with tough red or white outer skins and are widely consumed in Southeast Asia. Lychee (also called litchi or lichee) is native to southern ...
而诸如 “彼岸花”、“曼殊沙华” 之类的别名(相传两个名称均在日本产生,前者来源于其花期在秋分左右,后者则和佛教有关,取其花色鲜红的特征)更是为它增添了几分神秘的色彩。
Texas is prone to periodic droughts, and Wichita Falls and the surrounding areas have suffered tremendously in the past two ...
People can join Como Park Zoo on Thursday for an after-hours scavenger hunt. Wild Conservation Quest is an event to help ...
为什么鸟儿站在树上睡觉不会掉下来呢?这与鸟类特殊的腿部结构有关。鸟类蹲下时,它会拉伸与脚趾相连的肌腱,带动脚趾合拢。所以鸟儿在睡觉时, 它的爪子会毫不费力地弯曲并紧紧抓住树枝,直到腿部伸直,爪子才会松开。
Guangdong has established1,361 nature reserves, the highest number in China. Over the past four years, over 60 new species ...