Resonance amps made-to-order accessibility; Google expands virtual try-on; Amazon inks a new deal with robotics startup ...
据 The Information此前报道,Adept 最近与包括 Meta 在内的其他潜在买家就收购事宜进行了洽谈,微软否认有意收购 Adept。去年 3 月份,Adept 获得 3.5 亿美金的 B 轮融资,总融资额增至 4.15 ...
Amazon is delivering more Prime items the same or next day with generative AI improvements in robots, routes and predictive ...
在电子商务蓬勃发展的当下,仓库自动化成为各大企业提升运营效率的重要战略。近日,亚马逊以其招牌式的“收购式招聘”策略,吸纳了机器人软件制造商Covariant的创始人团队,这一举动标志着亚马逊在推进仓库自动化技术布局上的新一步棋。 纵观亚马逊的发展历程,其一贯强调技术驱动的商业模式,使其在竞争激烈的电商市场中稳居领先地位。如今,随着在线消费的持续增长,亚马逊对物流和仓储效率的要求愈发迫切。通过收购或 ...
Amazon employs generative AI to deliver 60% of Prime orders the same day or the following day, in the top 60 U.S. metro ...
Cavela, an AI startup, raised $2M in seed funding without a pitch deck to apply generative AI technology to global ...
Kenneth Kohlmann talks about developing consumer robotics at Yarbo, and the difficulties of perfecting a robot for your yard.
“OpenAI Mafia”即OpenAI 黑帮,一词指的是 OpenAI离职的员工或创始人们,他们继承了“Paypal黑帮”的风范,如今已成为硅谷最炙手可热的创业群体,每个人都备受风险投资(VC)青睐,动辄获得数十亿美元的融资。
In the foreseeable future, technology will cease to be a bottleneck for lights-out transformations, which dramatically reduce ...
Fellows Fund is pleased to announce the release of its in-depth research report, "The AI-Native Paradigm: Trends and ...