The release is part of a conservation project to increase the bird's population on the moor Four curlews have been released on Dartmoor as part of a conservation project to increase numbers The ...
RSPB NI's Katie Gibb said there are thought to be as few as 250 pairs of curlews left in Northern Ireland. "Sadly these special birds are in real trouble and could be extinct here in the next 10 ...
"We've had massive declines all across Northern Ireland, but I'm really proud to say this bird is still holding on and it's still doing well in Fermanagh." RSPB Reserves Manager Amy Burns has ...
"We've had massive declines all across Northern Ireland, but I'm really proud to say this bird is still holding on and it's still doing well in Fermanagh." RSPB Reserves Manager Amy Burns has watched ...
The group is on the hunt for some of the world's most impressive long-haul flyers — Far Eastern curlews — that have just arrived from a tiring 12,000-kilometre journey. The critically ...
I’ve said go out and see them. And then if you go out and there’s no curlews, you might say, well, why are there no curlews?” Too much bad news makes people fatalistic, which does no good.