The kidneys are vital for vitamin D metabolism, converting it into its active form to maintain bone health and regulate calcium and phosphorus levels. In chronic kidney disease (CKD), this function is ...
3 The active form of vitamin D3, which is also known as calcitriol, 1α,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3, or 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, is synthesized in the kidney in the presence of the enzyme 1α ...
July 29, 2024 — Researchers have found a significant link between the levels of specific dihydroxy fatty acids in umbilical cord blood and ASD symptoms. Their findings highlight the role of ...
Fatty Acids in Umbilical Cord Blood Might Cause Autism Spectrum Disorder, Study Suggests July 29, 2024 — Researchers have found a significant link between the levels of specific dihydroxy fatty ...
is a dihydroxy: anthraquinone. The persistent and active investigation of anthracene derivatives consequent on this revelation had scarcely slackened in 1901, when Bohn discovered the remarkable c ...
The metabolites include 4'-hydroxy-, 5­ hydroxy-, 3'-hydroxy-, 4',5-dihydroxy- and 3'-hydroxy-4'-methoxy diclofenac. The formation of 4'-hydroxy diclofenac is primarily mediated by CYP2C9.
The National Anti-Doping Agency (Nada) has suspended several Indian athletes and para-athletes for doping violations. Judoka ...
Serum trihydroxy-bile acids and dihydroxy-bile acids were determined in 4 of the subjects before and during treatment. Liver-function and hematologic studies were performed on all patients at ...
Matsuzaki explains, "CYP metabolism forms both epoxy fatty acids (EpFAs), which have anti-inflammatory effects, and dihydroxy ...
出自《本草纲目拾遗》1.《职方典》:肇庆府买麻藤,缘树而生,有子,味苦可食。山行断取其汁饮之,可以止渴,干之可解蛇咬毒。 2.《南方主要有毒植物》:买麻藤,有毒部分:种皮内的毛。