Graham Thorpe was one of the finest, doughtiest, left-handed batsmen – and also one of the finest, doughtiest, human beings to represent England. In exactly 100 Tests, Thorpe scored 6,744 runs ...
And the cry has gone up - even from the present system's doughtiest defenders - for a written constitution, one where the powers of the different parts of the state and the different nations of ...
NEWS of Fred Trueman's death brought tears to the eyes and lumps to the throats of some of the doughtiest, toughest and most resolute players in Yorkshire's history at Headingley on Saturday.
Even their doughtiest opponents had privately conceded a Liberal victory. In the minds of most voters, the Liberals were the party of prosperity, in office since 1935 through the years of recovery ...
The facts were incontrovertible and many were derived from Hansard, one of the doughtiest battlers for the SSO having been Donald Dewar. The structural anomalies to which I referred still exist.