将43%的减排目标写入法律的法案已在澳大利亚联邦众议院通过。该法案得到了绿党、多位中立议员和自由党议员布里奇特•阿切尔的支持。 Prime ...
随着围绕即将举行的公投的辩论加剧,以下是支持和反对将“原住民议会之声”写入澳大利亚宪法的主要论点。 澳大利亚人将在今年年底投票、决定 ...
Enshrining free, prior and informed consent in Malaysian law can improve the credibility of carbon projects. In the meantime, carbon conversations must include Indigenous voices and wisdom. At a ...
an official from Zhuhai Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee. By enshrining the Chinese white dolphin as the city's mascot through legislation, the city aims to raise public ...