A scheme to create a saltmarsh habitat more than 20 years ago is playing an important role today in protecting vital carbon ...
A first-of-its-kind report has highlighted the role coastal habitats such as saltmarshes have in storing carbon, as well as ...
It survives, barely, by eating the stems of Salicornia – the glasswort – a plant that looks a bit like asparagus. Although low in nutrients, the glasswort’s fleshy, succulent sap is filled ...
The coastal habitats play a key role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, yet experts say they are at risk. | ITV ...
Emirates Nature-WWF, as part of a multi stakeholder project looking at nature-based solutions (NbS) in the UAE, is leading an ...
The multidisciplinary environmental project directed by Sophie Hunter begins in Venice — but has wider ambitions ...
Plants such as sea aster, glasswort, sea lavender and golden samphire have recolonised the former fields, while nationally scarce shrubby sea blite grows in a raised area of the low-lying land.