研究中,他们从人类神经系统获得了灵感。人类神经系统具有感存算一体的架构模式,即能够通过视觉、听觉等多种感官渠道,既快速又准确地感知和响应环境变化。 通过集成多种模态信号的感知功能与处理功能, ...
Scientists in Japan developed a 4.49%-efficient solar cell based on titanium dioxide, selenium. The devices is based on a new ...
工业烟气中高浓度的二氧化碳(CO2)使这些点源,成为可再生电力驱动的电催化CO2还原(CO2R)转化为产品的有吸引力候选者。然而,普通烟气中的痕量二氧化硫(SO2)会迅速且不可逆地毒害催化剂。基于此, 加拿大多伦多大学David Sinton院士、新西兰奥克兰大学王子运教授和上海交通大学李俊副教授(共同通讯作者)以及Edward H. Sargent院士等人 ...
The company announced a “strategic realignment” of its operations to “focus on production and technology to ensure [a] return ...
It claimed the world’s highest efficiency for silicon cells in November 2022, with a 26.81% efficiency rating for an unspecified heterojunction solar cell. This content is protected by copyright ...
快科技5月8日消息,隆基绿能宣布,经德国哈梅林太阳能研究所(ISFH)认证,隆基自主研发的背接触晶硅异质结太阳电池(Heterojunction Back Contact ...
The PV industry is set for a humbling 2025, with the current manufacturing downturn expected to extend well into 2026.
New material overcomes the low mobility of the p-type semiconductor while improving display refresh rate and power ...
Golden Solar New Energy Technology Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (referred to as ...
In a study published in Energy & Environmental Science, researchers from the Interface Science Department at the Fritz Haber ...