加利福尼亚在世界动物地理分区上属于新北区。根据加州鸟类记录委员会 (CBRC),至2006年止,加州共有632种鸟类被记录,其中10种为外来种,2种在加州绝迹 (但仍分布于其他地区)。 加州鹌鹑 (珠颈翎鹑)是加州官方的州鸟。 注上星号(*)的鸟种正在被 CBRC 重新检讨中 ...
The Earth is currently experiencing its sixth major extinction event. One million species globally are at risk of extinction in the next few decades, including 27 percent of the world’s mammals, 41 ...
In foothills and riverside woods of the West, this species is often very common as a nesting bird. In mid-summer, the oak woodlands often resound with the insistent whining whistle of young ...
Black-headed weaver (Ploceus melanocephalus, or Hyphantornis melanocephalus); 8) Long-tailed paradise whydah (Vidua paradisaea); 9) Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora, or Padda oryzivora); 10) Brazilian ...
The handsome black-headed grosbeak is the western counterpart to the East’s rose-breasted grosbeak, and the 2 even occasionally hybridize where they come into contact in the western Great Plains.
Despite its name, the Mediterranean gull is not limited to coastal waters of southern Europe, and is widespread on the Atlantic and Black Sea coasts, as well as in coastal regions and inland ...
Threskiornis Melanocephalus, Pelecanus Philippensis, Limosa Lapponica, Sterna Aurantia, Pandion Haliaetus. In the leter, they have also listed vulnerable species including Clanga Hastata and ...
The cellular context for displaying carotenoid-dependent colors differs between endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. In birds, carotenoids are concentrated in keratinocytes of the skin and ...
Endangered and vulnerable Pakistan is home to six pheasant species: the western horned tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus), Himalayan monal (Lophura impejanus), koklass pheasant (Pucrasia ...
The birds that fill our mornings with songs and our parks and gardens with colour are disappearing from our cities, a new ...