Since the Taliban's takeover in August 2021, following the withdrawal of US-led forces, Afghan women have faced harsh ...
Actress Meryl Streep stood up at the United Nations for women's rights in Afghanistan speaking ahead of the U.N. General ...
A cat may "feel the sun on her face" in a park but girls do not have such freedoms under the Taliban, she said.
She pointed out that while a cat can roam the streets and bask in the sun, Afghan girls are confined to their homes.
Meryl Streep spoke at a U.N. General Assembly event in a bid to get world leaders to focus on the plight of Afghan women and ...
The actress said a cat that can “feel the sun on her face” and run through a park has more rights than Afghan girls and women ...
Hollywood actress Meryl Streep criticized the Taliban and the severe restrictions posed on women’s rights in Afghanistan ...
Meryl Streep made a sincere appeal to the international community to initiate steps to stop the Taliban’s oppression in ...
Meryl Streep joined women leaders at the United Nations this week to demand more freedom for Afghan women and girls.
Actress Meryl Streep highlights the dire situation of Afghan women, comparing their restricted freedoms to those of cats and ...
Actress Meryl Streep has appeared at a United Nations Assembly event to make a speech urging world leaders to focus on Afghan ...
At a UN General Assembly event, actor Meryl Streep called attention to the Taliban's restrictions on Afghan women, likening ...