今日,在索尼State of Play展示会中,《最后生还者重制版(The Last of Us: Part I)》官方宣布将于9月26日起加入PS+二三档会员。
Last Odyssey,首款5X(探索、扩展、开发、消灭和交易)以征服为核心的赚取策略游戏,宣布与游戏定制打造的EVM区块链Ronin Network合作,加入其先锋计划Ronin Forge。Ronin Forge是由Sky ...
The number of manufacturing companies in China's eastern region totaled 3.87 million, accounting for 64.21 percent of the total. The central region had 1.13 million manufacturing companies, followed ...
据报道称,Sarco是由总部位于瑞士的名为“最后的救赎”(The Last Resort)的组织发明并管理的。其舱体的工作原理是,启动按钮之后,普通的空气会转变为100%的氮气,这样一来舱内人员会失去意识,随后停止呼吸,整个过程最多不超过10分钟。
【ITBEAR】9月17日消息,Steam平台近日迎来了一款全新的冒险动作节奏游戏——《Melobot - A Last ...
On June 5, Wilmore and Williams took off aboard the Starliner as part of the vessel's first crewed mission, in what was ...
《The Last Stand: Aftermath》由知名游戏开发商Con Artist Games打造,是一款全新的精美单人单机动作冒险rogue-lite游戏。玩家可以选择一名幸存者踏上旅程,探索文明废墟寻找燃油并制作武器等物品。 两款游戏都具有紧张刺激、变化无常、氛围浓厚的特点,能够让玩家体验到末世废土中的生存之道。同时,《The Last Stand: ...
Koji Nagai, Chairman of Nomura Holdings, Inc, shares his vision of Shanghai in the next 10 years. He said: "Nomura has joined ...
今日(9月16日),结合了冒险、动作和节奏的游戏《Melobot - A Last ...
The financial footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in the Greek economy and its overall contribution in terms of GDP is ...
In the week ending September 13, all three major U.S. stock indexes posted significant gains, with the Nasdaq surging nearly ...