Block, R. J., Durrum, E. L., and Zweig, G., “A Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis”, 2nd Edition (Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1958).
Wine science researchers from the University of Adelaide have found that a tailor-made polymer developed in New ...
A recent study has uncovered a significant link between certain chemicals found in everyday products and a higher risk of ...
Plants eaten by wild gorillas have medicinal properties that could be harnessed in drug discovery, say scientists.
Tobacco waste holds significant potential for use in agriculture, medicine, chemical engineering, and energy sectors, ...
Wild gorillas eat the same tree bark used by traditional healers, which can inhibit the growth of E. coli in petri dishes, ...
Four plants consumed by wild gorillas in Gabon and used by local communities in traditional medicine show antibacterial and ...
It is high in free amino acids like lysine, glycine, and glutamic acid. Royal jelly includes lipids like beeswax, phenols, fatty acids, phospholipids, and corticosteroids. The research report on the ...
Four plants used by wild gorillas in Gabon could be promising targets for future drug research, a new study says.
Self medicating gorillas help scientists find new drugs - Plant extracts found to have ‘remarkable activity’ against ...
Wild great apes often consume medicinal plants that can treat their ailments. The same plants are often used by local people ...