So, proteinases provide an important control that regulates the varied cellular processes defining inflammation. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) constitute a family of 24 mammalian extracellular ...
Proteolytic enzymes, also called proteases, peptidases or proteinases, are enzymes that hydrolyze peptide bonds of peptides and proteins. Proteases are classified into families based on their ...
These proteinases can also be visualized with molecular imaging techniques that are being developed in conjunction with Dr. Weissleder. And these techniques are really a very promising way of ...
The network expanded only if treated with proteinases (enzymes that degrade proteins) or if the cross-linking was reversed by heating the network to 65°C. Using these experiments, scientists ...
ALA = Amoebic liver abscess; Eh = Entamoeba histolytica; EhCP = E. histolytica cysteine proteinase; Ehserp = E. histolytica serine proteinase; EhSTIRP = Serine threonine isoleucine-rich protein ...
Johnson, K.S. and D. Rabosky. 2000. Phylogenetic distribution of cysteine proteinases in beetles: evidence for an evolutionary shift to an alkaline digestive strategy in Cerambycidae. Comp. Biochem.
These proteinases can be generated by structural and inflammatory cells, and have the ability to degrade proteoglycans and thus potentially enhance airway fibrosis and smooth muscle proliferation ...
No toxic effects were seen in all three animal models. Conclusion Although several MMPs in concert with other proteinases have a role in the process of cartilage destruction, there is a need for ...
Then from 1984-1987 worked as a post-doctoral Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell fellow at SUNY Stony Brook with Eckard Wimmer on the replication of poliovirus (the connection being the viral cysteine ...
Results: Zymography revealed that PSCs secrete a number of MMPs including proteinases with molecular weights consistent with MMP2, MMP9, and MMP13. RT-PCR demonstrated the presence of mRNA for ...
His research is currently examining the role of cannabinoids and proteinases in the control of arthritis pain and inflammation. His research goal is to identify novel drug targets and develop new ...
It also triggers the release from neutrophils and macrophages of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, acid hydrolases, highly cationic proteinases, bactericidal cationic peptides, growth factors, and ...