For as capitalism has made of life itself the cheapest of commodities, there need be no repining at its sacrifice, and the result, in the end, is worth the cost, since it destroys the possibility of ...
“Instead of repining about pads for Palestinians in Gaza combat zones, wouldn’t it make more sense to force the creation of humanitarian relief precincts for Palestinian civilians in ...
the export of which from Britain to Cuba has caused so much repining in State Department circles in the United States, and an equally overemphatic enthusiasm in official Havana. The invitation of ...
In the moments when Bernstein isn’t repining over his versatility, he confesses that he will probably spend the rest of his life doing several things at the same time. However hideous he finds t ...
As of 2024, All About Mary is no longer being updated with new content. Information and links may be outdated, and reflect the expertise, interpretations and opinions of their authors, not necessarily ...
She had made a crucial life decision to commit herself to him, he felt, and ought to be prepared to accept the consequences without repining. Explaining his refusal to accompany her on her trip back ...