Lima, stands for Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive. It's an acronym meant to depict a model to which dog trainers who are committed to using the least intrusive and minimally aversive methods may ...
The side effects of Cerenia for dogs is something for dog owners to watch for so to take prompt action should any arise. Cerenia is fairly new drug that may be given as an injection or given by mouth ...
If your dog won't put weight on his back leg, you are rightfully concerned, dog's don't go limping like that unless there's a good reason to. Discover several potential causes for back leg lameness in ...
If your dog has cold paws, you may be wondering whether you should worry about it or not. Among humans, it's quite normal to have cold feet on cold winter days, but what about dogs? Discover 4 causes ...
There are not many dog breeds as unique as the Double-Nosed Andean Tiger Hound. As the name implies, this is a dog breed with "two noses," similar to the Pachon Navarro. Discover more about this ...
To better understand the function of the dog's carpal pads, it helps to firstly learn more about paw pads. Discover more about canine paw anatomy and the fascinating function of carpal pads in dogs.
Many dogs pee in the house when left alone, but the reasons why they do this are not what it may seem. Countless dog owners accuse their dogs of peeing in the house upon leaving in belief that they do ...
Trouble giving birth in dogs, is a condition that is medically known as "dystocia." Certain dog breeds are more prone to dystocia than others, but it can happen to virtually any dog who may be ...
A dog walking sideways may appear peculiar and may even generate a laugh, but in some cases walking sideways may be a sign of a potential underlying problem that will need to be addressed. Discover ...
Antibiotics used for dog pyometra are by prescription only and are meant to be used in combination with another drug, in order for pyometra to be treated. Antibiotics alone will not treat pyometra in ...
Dogs have a bump on the roof of their mouth and not many dog owners are aware of it, until one day, they accidentally stumble upon it when perhaps their dogs are yawning while lying down belly-up.
Whether human pregnancy tests work for dogs is something many dog owners wonder about. After all, wouldn't it be great if we could just step into a pharmacy and pick up an over-the-counter pregnancy ...