From science to engineering, writing to social sciences, here are the Columbians who received awards recently.
Professor Ivan Corwin was honored for work on diffusion. Chiara Trovatello and Arthur Neuberger were also recognized.
Daisy Kalra has spent her Columbia postdoc in Illinois, supporting the University and the Fermilab in the search for new ...
The data, which has taken years of preparation to collect, will be used to search for evidence of new physics.
Stories, announcements, and updates from Columbia University Interim President Katrina Armstrong.
Audrey Litvak (SIPA'19), assistant director of government affairs at Columbia, has the answers to students' most pressing ...
Students have arrived at Columbia for an invigorating fall semester — here's a glance at back-to-school events welcoming ...
This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities.
ColumbiaDoctors Outreach is sharing great, affordable, and healthy tips for preparing school lunches that will appeal to even the pickiest eaters. Attendees will be offered educational materials and ...
Columbia experts are available to speak to the press about the 2024 U.S. presidential election, voting, media and politics, and state and national governance. Here are a few of many politics experts ...
The convergence of artificial intelligence and brain-computer interfaces may soon restore sight to the blind, allow the paralyzed to move robotic limbs and cure any number of brain and nervous system ...