Congratulations to our author Professor David Baker on being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2024 for outstanding ...
Xin-Yu Peng (Changsha University of Science and Technology, China) ...
Congratulations to our author John J. Hopfield on being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2024 “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural ...
Congratulations, Ady Suwardi (left) and Zhu Di (right). World Scientific Publishing extends its heartfelt congratulations to two of our distinguished editorial board members, Assistant Professor Ady ...
"新国风"有二义:一是"新国"的风,指代新加坡的风土人情和历史风潮;二是"新"的国风,标示新的诗歌版图和新的诗歌选本。 本书选编新加坡建国以来31位华文诗人的262首诗作,这些诗歌反映 ...
集中国传统针灸学与西方的解剖学为一体的中西医结合科学性专著。 本书紧密地使现代的西医学基础(解剖学),具体应用到中国已有数千年悠久历史和独特理论体系的临床针灸学的医疗实践之中。
Existing users will be able to log into the site and access content. However, E-commerce and registration of new users may not be available for up to 12 hours. 本書輯錄了作者近年來對於中國民族和民族關係的一些觀察和思考,兼具 ...
中国科学院物理研究所的曹则贤教授在科研教学之余,长期关注物理学在中国传播过程中所遭遇的语言问题。他对中文物理学文献中充斥着对物理学概念的错译与误解不能释怀,对不得不用中文 ...
作者从一个中国生物学者的角度,对遗传学的历史进行了总结,意在探讨生命科学发展的轨迹。书中的关键性史实是建立在三种以上不同来源的资料相互印证的基础上;对重要实验的描述都依据 ...
Existing users will be able to log into the site and access content. However, E-commerce and registration of new users may not be available for up to 12 hours. For online purchase, please visit us ...
Since its inception in 1981, World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC) has grown to establish itself as one of the world's leading academic publishers and the largest international scientific ...