In our August research highlights, we look at a study showing that a psoriasis medication might help to stop the type 1 immune attack, and how tiny blood vessels are impacted by sleep duration in type ...
Having a child with diabetes can be difficult sometimes. We're here if you need support, and to give any information you might need as your child grows up. Become part of our community. Type 1 is the ...
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Looking to try something new? We’ve got loads of recipes to choose from. All our recipes have been checked and approved by a specialist team of dietitians, so you’ll always know what’s in your food.
If you have diabetes, we strongly encourage you to get your coronavirus vaccines. This is because people with diabetes are vulnerable to developing a severe illness if they get coronavirus (Covid-19), ...
Local groups across the region that offer people living with diabetes a chance to meet and share experiences.
Here in Northern Ireland we raise awareness, understanding and improve care for people. Read the latest news.
Everyone living with diabetes must have fair and equal access to the diabetes tech they’re eligible for.
Our fun events are a chance to learn more about diabetes and meet other people who know what it's like to live with type 1.
The NHS continues to face supply issues with glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs, or GLP-1 analogues), a range of drugs used for managing blood glucose levels in people with type 2 ...
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