Colorful, modern, and dynamic, Harajuku fashion is the reflection of Japan’s latest trends! But how did Harajuku fashion come ...
Catch a YOKOHAMA DeNA BAYSTARS game for an authentic taste of Japanese baseball culture at Yokohama Stadium! Make the most of ...
Geisha are one of the most captivating symbols of Japan. Their iconic appearance is unmistakable thanks to the elaborate geisha makeup, hairstyle, kimono, and more. Yet much of a geisha's lifestyle ...
아바시리 감옥 박물관은 한때 일본에서 가장 유명했던 감옥으로 일본의 탈옥왕 요시에 시라토리뿐만 아니라 일본에서 가장 흉악한 범죄자들을 수용했던 곳입니다. 오늘날에는 감옥의 역사, 특히 홋카이도 발전에 중요한 역할을 했던 역사를 소개하는 박물관이 ...
This picturesque garden in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture is an exceptional example of an Edo Period (1603 - 1868) Japanese stroll garden, a garden where different views can be enjoyed one after ...
애니메이션이나 만화, 게임, 음악 등 일본 문화의 팬이라면 누구나 '쿨 재팬'의 진정한 메카로 알려진 도쿄의 아키하바라에 대해 들어본 적이 있을 것입니다. 가전제품부터 컴퓨터 부품, 비디오 게임, 만화 등 모든 것이 아키하바라에 있습니다! 오늘은 도쿄에서 ...
Miyazaki Prefecture is one of Japan’s most underrated gems, located on the southern tip of Kyushu, where visitors can experience a perfect blend of stunning coastal landscapes, sacred shrines, rich ...
Capsule hotels in Japan accommodate sightseers, business travelers, and locals who missed the last train with a simple, budget place to spend the night. Despite their claustrophobic appearances, the ...
*This article was sponsored by Nagano Prefecture. Help us promote the goodness of Nagano by filling out this survey! What Sort of Place Is Nagano? Located in central Japan, Nagano Prefecture is the ...
日光是關東的宗教聖地。不論是佛教的輪王寺,或代表當地山岳信仰的二荒山神社,都是奈良時代就創立的古老寺社。加上日光東照宮,三者合稱「二社一寺」,共同被指定為世界遺產。在二社一寺中以建於江戶時代初期的日光東照宮最年輕,名聲卻最為響亮 ...
「金閣猶如夜空中的明月,作為黑暗時代的象徵而建造的。因此我夢想的金閣其四周必須是黑暗的背景。在黑暗中,美麗而細長的柱子結構,從裡面發出微光,穩固而寂靜的坐落在那裡⋯⋯」三島由紀夫在小說《金閣寺》裡如此寫道。如今我們見到的金閣固然 ...