Skylark Meets Meadowlark: Reimagining the Bird in British Romantic and Contemporary Native American Literature (University of Nebraska Press, November 2009). Presentation: "Evolution & Its Discontents ...
My work is driven by a fascination with methodology: How do we decide what counts as evidence? How do we move from evidence to argument? The study of literature and its history is one of the most ...
Open recruitment which is also known as COB, is another way to join the Panhellenic community at UNL. Open recruitment is held throughout the academic year beginning after primary recruitment in the ...
As a member of the Nebraska fraternity and sorority community, you’re making a lifelong investment in bettering yourself and those around you. As a Nebraska Greek, you’ll surround yourself with a ...
May is a time to honor and celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of APIDA communities. They have made significant and meaningful contributions to our society and have been a part ...
Adrian Wisnicki's research encompasses several areas. These include Victorian literature, Anglophone literature, the history of empire and colonialism, and the digital humanities (DH). He uses his ...
the College of Arts and Sciences.
This program encourages applications from students with sophomore or junior standing and those planning to pursue an advanced degree (M.S. or Ph.D.) upon completion of the bachelor's degree.
I continue to be excited about the university’s ability to set a new standard of excellence among flagship and land-grant institutions across our country and beyond. UNL is truly unique in building ...
Whether I am working with first-year or graduate students, we collaboratively explore how our rhetorical practices can shape the classroom, our discipline, and our culture. My hope is that students ...
Study Bioenergy! The research of today for the solutions of tomorrow.
The Nebraska Summer Research Program is committed to quality mentoring and research projects. We limit our summer offerings to active research labs and projects led by faculty who have established ...