The Tarim Basin mummies were discovered wearing tiny hunks of cheese around their necks—and a new DNA analysis is revealing ...
When researchers tested a mysterious substance on the heads and necks of ancient mummies found in China's Tarim Basin, they ...
DNA tests suggest Bronze Age people who lived in far west China 3,500 years ago made kefir cheese, challenging beliefs about ...
The Guinness Book needs to update its records: the oldest cheese in the world has been found smeared on the heads and necks ...
The cheese was dug up with mummified human remains in the Xinjiang region of China and offers insights into the origins of ...
Around 20 years ago, a group of archaeologists made a curious discovery: something had been smeared on the heads and necks of ...
Researchers have discovered and analyzed DNA from the world's oldest cheese, found with the Tarim Basin mummies in China, ...
Scientists have sequenced DNA from 3,600-year-old cheese, the oldest in the archaeological record. The intact cheese was ...
Bizarre clumps of organic matter found buried alongside Bronze Age mummies in northwestern China have now been identified as ...
泥沙连通性表征流域内不同地貌或景观单元间的泥沙级联关系。近年来,这一概念被用于解析土壤侵蚀与泥沙输移过程及其时空分布,是近10年来国际上的研究热点。研究泥沙连通性可以有效量化泥沙在地貌单元之间的连接强度,掌握流域内泥沙输移的内部动态,调控径流泥沙输移路径。中国最大的内陆河流域——塔里木河流域,地处西北干旱区,土壤侵蚀和荒漠化过程严重,泥沙连通性显著影响着该地区的泥沙通量,而该区域泥沙连通性的变化特 ...
These small lumps of fermented dairy, laid around the necks of the deceased, represent the longest-aged cheese ever ...
For the first time, scientists successfully extracted and analyzed DNA from ancient cheese samples found alongside the Tarim ...