近日,市民张女士(化名)在体检时意外发现甲状腺上存在多个结节,且依据TI-RADS分类标准被评估为4级,意味着不能完全排除恶性结节的可能性。得知这一结果后,张女士心情沉重,终日沉浸在焦虑与不安之中。她既不想通过开刀切取组织进行活检,又担心万一结节真的 ...
ACR TI-RADS recommendation for all three radiologists was FNA (false positive). Deep learning algorithm recommendation was FNA (false positive).
The AI software uses single or multinodular thyroid ultrasound images in detecting nodules and is capable of automatically ...
王大妈新搬去的小区服务很好,时不时就为老人们推出一些福利活动。 像昨天,王大妈就刚领了两张物业发的老年人体检券。这不,今天王大妈就拉着王大爷一起去做体检。
Radian Aerospace’s subscale prototype for its Radian One space plane sits on a runway in the United Arab Emirates. (Radian Aerospace Photo) Seattle-based Radian Aerospace has finished the first ...
Radian Aerospace performed taxi tests and "short hops" of PFV01, a prototype of the reusable orbital spaceplane it is developing. Credit: Radian Aerospace WASHINGTON — Radian Aerospace, a ...
Radian Aerospace has moved one step closer to achieving the “holy grail” of spaceflight: a reusable space plane that can take off from an airfield and land on a runway like a conventional ...
Asthma is a health condition that affects the respiratory system. “Reactive airway disease (RAD)” is a more general term for a respiratory condition that causes wheezing or breathing issues.
On Saturday, a YouTube creator called "ChromaLock" published a video detailing how he modified a Texas Instruments TI-84 graphing calculator to connect to the Internet and access OpenAI's ChatGPT ...
Radian’s solution is a rocket-powered sled that runs along a two-mile rail and accelerates up to Mach 0.7 — 537 mph (864 kilometers per hour) — before releasing the space plane, which then ...
As the summer temperatures rise, it’s difficult to get outside, which is why I was glad to test out the Rad Power Radster Road Electric Commuter Bike to see if it could help beat the heat.