"Look! A real plane here!" Chongqing Hailian Vocational Technical College’s Liangjiang Campus welcomed its first wave of new ...
「2024金点设计奖」于9月2日在台北松山文创园区进行复审,从上千件作品中选出642件得奖作品,涵盖产品、传达、空间及整合设计四大类别,来自全球14个地区。其中空间设计类有150件作品获奖,并将于9月9日进行决审,争夺「年度最佳设计奖」及「年度特别奖 ...
安省劳工、移民、培训和技能发展厅长David Piccini的通讯总监Zoë Knowles Simakova指责联邦政府导致了项目关闭,他称联邦政府削减了安省就业和安置服务计划的2亿多元资金,因此“多伦多大学桥梁培训项目的现有协议结束后,便不会延续。” ...
Every weekend, the athletic field at Luqu Tibetan Middle School bursts with vibrant energy as students engage in lively ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...