One of the more frustrating aspects of “IEP life” is the perceived lack of accountability as far as parents being able to hold schools accountable. Now, I expect some pushback here from school staff, ...
One of the most frustrating parts of my job as an advocate is knowing or remembering the little detaily things about special ...
During a school shooter drill at a local elementary school, the alarm blared, and the announcement instructed everyone to ...
Quite often, I hear from parents who are offered a 504 plan when they requested an IEP. I could get you really deep in the weeds with the explanation between a 504 and IEP, so for the purposes of this ...
“She likes to braid hair.” Several years ago, I was an Educational Surrogate for a teen in a neighboring county. That sentence was her entire IEP transition plan. Seriously, that was it. And, she had ...
When I was a special educator in Maryland, we provided an IEP Snapshot to all of our general educators who had a student with an IEP in their class. We knew that teachers could be overwhelmed when ...
Many parents and caregivers struggle to manage aggressive behavior in children. These are the situations that can deteriorate a situation quickly–because many schools have zero tolerance policies ...
Mornings can be rough for everyone. Students and teachers don’t want to wake up for the day, and if the sun isn’t shining, those days can have a slow start. A fun morning meeting is a great way to ...
Ready to dive into some pumpkin fun with your little ones? Halloween season is the perfect time to bring some festive ...
Because I own this site, and because it’s an interest of mine, I follow a lot of disability related Facebook pages. And ...