From here you can access the publicly advertised positions from the state administration, universities and institutions of the state of NRW as well as publicly advertised positions from municipalities ...
Liaison officers mediate contacts between countries and provide support in day-to-day work. This can be strategic or operational. If there is a problem somewhere, if there are language problems or if ...
The NRW Ministry of the Interior had invited participants to the symposium "360-degree measures against clan crime". A total of around 600 participants and 70 representatives of the press gathered at ...
"The control operations are an indispensable part of the strategy to effectively combat clan crime. We are sending a signal to the criminal members of the family clans and the rest of the population: ...
The LZPD is developing the 150,000 euro patrol car of the future with the Innovation Lab. A lot of technology is changing police work. The car will be ready for use in five to ten years. At first ...
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110 bürgerorientiert • professionell • rechtsstaatlich Mönchengladbach On Site Crime Traffic Deployment Equipment Digitalization International Affairs ...
The NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation's situation report on clan crime is now complete. Key facts from it have now been presented to the public by NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul. "Streife ...
District service completes the circle of road safety work with pre-school children The road safety advisors regularly visit pre-school children with the traffic puppet stage. In elementary school, the ...
Die an Wochenenden angeordnete Videobeobachtung im Bereich der Mönchengladbacher Altstadt ist mit Wirkung zum 1. September um weitere zwölf Monate verlängert worden. Vor jeder Verlängerung wird die ...
Das Kriminalkommissariat Kriminalprävention und Opferschutz bietet Hilfe und Unterstützung zu den folgenden Themen: Opferschutz: Beratung und Betreuung der Opfer von Straftaten Technische Prävention: ...
Police doctor Dr. Quentine Pye travels to major police operations, holds consultations, writes expert reports and advises officers on occupational health and safety. Now a reform is set to bring more ...
Non-profit association to support victims of crime.