Before setting out to blow himself up in Tel Aviv last month, in an attack in which luckily only one Israeli was wounded, ...
PA Chairman Abbas' Fatah Movement also condemned Israel's "aggressive and criminal operation," stressing its continued ...
The video shows the last will of Hamas suicide bomber Jaafar Muna, who wounded 1 Israeli and killed himself in Tel Aviv. Muna ...
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations : "The Israeli government is continuing its ...
This mother from Gaza is an example of the successful indoctrination of generations of Palestinians. Having lost the last of ...
As Hamas has been thoroughly defeated militarily in Gaza, the Head of Hamas' Political Bureau abroad Khaled Mashaal is ...
A few days ago, a Palestinian terrorist veered his truck into an Israeli soldier and murdered him. Hamas immediately ...
PMW believes that the key to the future is peace education. Our research, however, shows that Palestinian children have not been given that key. More than three decades since the signing of the Oslo ...
“The US is a partner in committing this crime, a partner to a war crime… Even [US President] Biden himself must stand trial ...
The US embraces the Palestinian Authority as a peace partner and wants Israel to let the PA rule the Gaza Strip. But at the ...
Today, we commemorate the 23 rd anniversary of the heinous 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. As we move further ...
"The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned in the strongest language the despicable crime in which the occupation's (i.e., Israel's) forces executed Turkish-American solidarity ...