A slumbering Arctic fox in winter will wrap its long, bushy tail around its body for added warmth. Its feet are covered in dense fur to insulate against the cold and provide traction on the ice.
Freshwater mussels are some of the planet's most fascinating and underappreciated animals. With their beautifully colorful shells, diversity of shapes and interesting adornments — including ridges, ...
For every county in the United States, the map below shows information on all the animals and plants protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as threatened or endangered. To see the number of ...
DESCRIPTION: The ocelot is a medium-sized, spotted cat. It grows to about three feet long, not including its tail, and weighs around 30 pounds. It is described as crepuscular and nocturnal, spending ...
Stream channelization, dam construction, and impoundments change the water flow, temperature, and quality to which the Topeka shiner is specifically adapted. Dams also prevent shiners from migrating ...
It's simple: We work to secure a future for endangered species, and your contributions make our work possible. Whether you give annually or every month, your membership gift provides vital life ...
It’s an invisible threat, but noise pollution is a major — and often deadly — menace to ocean wildlife. Just as there’s hardly a mountaintop free from the roar of airplanes overhead, there’s virtually ...
Bats, those unique and magnificent mammals of the air, might be the last creatures you'd associate with the deep, vast ocean. But as that ocean becomes ever deeper and vaster through accelerating ...
The word jaguar comes from the South American Tupi and Guarani languages. A likely origin is the word yaguareté, meaning “true, fierce beast.” DESCRIPTION: The largest cat native to North America and ...
Browse the species below or jump to a species alphabetically by common name: ...
At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because ...
Plastic accumulating in our oceans and on our beaches has become a global crisis. Billions of pounds of plastic can be found in swirling convergences that make up about 40 percent of the world's ocean ...