A manager gives an instruction, entrusts an assignment, and at the moment of presenting his work or debriefing his results, the employee comes forward quite confident, satisfied, if not more so, with ...
Le débat qui fait rage sur le télétravail et le retour au bureau a cela d’intéressant car il nous permet de nous questionner ...
Le moins qu'on puisse dire est qu'en France on est doués pour faire des études prospectives mais qu'on préfère surtout donner ...
Companies are constantly on the lookout for new skills, and the development of their employees is at the heart of their HR mission. But does it succeed in doing so, and is it not a machine for wasting ...
Every company is talking about customer experience, and has been investing heavily in customer service for years. Yet recent experience tells me that, in some cases, customer service has never been so ...
“But how is it that companies are so far behind in adopting AI internally when we see how fast it's going on the consumer side?”. We hear this question all day long, and it's just ...
Is management still a profession or, as some believe, a role that will become obsolete as society and organizations evolve? Of course we need managers, and I’ll just give you an example.A group of 6 ...
For a long time I’ve been convinced that technology would help us to work better, both individually and collectively, and it’s not for nothing that the historical theme of thi ...
Is the relentless careerism of the 80s a thing of the past now that employees have new aspirations, or do some people still value their careers more than others? Some time ago, I was invited by Lucca ...
The other day I was talking to someone about management and leadership, and we got to talking about authority. While we agreed on the harmfulness of petty bosses, the person I was talking to said ...
Il y a de multiples raisons pour lesquelles les entreprises forcent le retour au bureau et l'un d'entre eux est la productivité. Nous avons déjà évoqué la question de la solitude des collaborateurs à ...