In the latter half of the 20th century, the legacies of abstract expressionism and conceptual art dominated the art world. Abstract expressionism was known for its hot, emotional and sensuous ...
Today, the UN General Assembly is scheduled to debate and vote on a resolution calling on Israel to end “its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” within six months. Given that the ...
2024 marks 400 years since the founding of New Amsterdam (now New York) by the Dutch colonists. American-born Harrison May now calls “Old” Amsterdam his home. He is the person behind the popular ...
Last Thursday, the front page of Le Monde featured a headline in its running commentary on the war in Ukraine: “Vladimir Putin assures that Russia is ready for negotiations with Kiev on the basis of ...
The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Japan, the US, Australia and India, commonly known as the Quad, has evolved significantly since its inception in 2004. Initially formed as a response to the ...
Last year, the corporate world adopted a new term: the flattening. This phrase refers to how tech companies, which rapidly hired droves of middle managers during the pandemic boom, are now eliminating ...
Both sex and sports give joy, meaning and purpose to many people. Over the centuries, they’ve been potent motifs of art, mythology and culture. But they mix about as well as wine and vinegar. Sports ...
[This piece is a continuation of a multi-part series. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 here.] The support of the Brazilian militias and the Neo-Pentecostal churches may have guaranteed Brazilian ...
The primary aim of all education, he said, is or should be character building. In a letter to his son Manilal, written from Volksrust prison in 1909, Gandhi wrote, ‘Education does not mean a knowledge ...
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