Headlining this Weekend Reading edition is the news that inflation is coming down. Statistics Canada released their latest ...
There can be periods of high-growth, low-growth and despite the recency bias with some investors with the S&P 500: no-growth.
Is the RRSP Meltdown Strategy Worth It? Inspired by reader comments and some recent reader emails, I wondered this very question: is the RRSP meltdown strategy worth it? I had my thoughts on this ...
Welcome to my Dividends page. This blog is about saving and investing my way beyond a $1 million investment portfolio using dividend paying stocks to help fund part our semi-retirement plan. When a ...
What is Beat the TSX (BTSX)? This blog is about saving and investing my way beyond a $1 million investment portfolio using some Canadian stocks that pay dividends and deliver capital appreciation to ...
I started investing when I was in my early 20s after reading David Chilton’s The Wealthy Barber. I started my investing journey totally oblivious to the high money management fees my big bank charged ...
Some time ago…yours truly wrote a controversial post about the intent to live off dividends and distributions from our portfolio. Well, after years of DIY stock and ETF investing – my thinking has not ...
Picking up where I left off a few weeks ago, I believe Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) rules need a serious overhaul sooner than later. As established readers, including existing retirees and ...
Bonds – there are lots of ways to own bonds; most DIY investors can easily own bonds via a bond ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). In doing so, you can own bond durations that are short, long and anything in ...
The big news of late in mortgage-and-home-buying-land is that our Federal Government has introduced 30-year amortization periods for all first-time homebuyers and all buyers of new builds, regardless ...
For new and established readers, this is our monthly update to share how we are progressing with our hybrid portfolio – a structure that was established approaching 15 years ago as follows: We invest ...