All holders of a Certificate of Practice where the office is located in Ontario are required to participate in the Pro-Demnity Insurance Company. The application form is available at ...
This person is a licensed professional who can offer services through a certificate of practice (practice) or in-house to their employer in authorized employment situations (e.g. government). Check ...
Whether you’re a student or already an architect outside the province, learn about the different pathways to becoming licensed as an Architect in Ontario. Enrolled in an accredited program in ...
Pro-Demnity Insurance Company provides Ontario’s architectural practices with professional liability insurance in accordance with the Architects Act. It began operations in 1987 as an “Indemnity Plan” ...
The Ontario Association of Architects recommends the use of the Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) procurement process (sometimes also known as Quality-Based Selection). Under this procurement ...
The OAA’s Practice Advisory Knowledge Base is your one-stop digital catalogue of resources, articles and tools including OAA Practice tips and Regulatory notices as well as peer advice. Completely ...
Search below to view a gallery of current Award winners. Click here to view a complete listing of OAA Award winners from1985 to present.
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Syllabus program is an alternative path to a professional degree in architecture. It provides access to individuals who are unable to attend an ...
This evolving section includes links to various grants, subsidies, and incentives available for building and homeowners to help them access support for their green energy initiatives or sustainability ...