‘But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people’. A Dedication Festival compels us to examine our relationship with history. I am conscious that I have long been prone ...
The temptation on a sermon on the feast of St Michael and All Angels is to either try to explain angels (to somehow make sense of them) or to explain them away (to disregard them somehow). I aim to ...
‘Climate change will affect different people and places unevenly, and so is likely to lead to inequalities within and across nations, and between current and future generations, so creating injustice.
Calling all movie and music fanatics! You won’t want to miss this exciting and unique organ performance alongside The Phantom of the Opera this October… Join us at Salisbury Cathedral as Jonathan Hope ...
Explore our earth and the planets and stars in a fun-filled activity day for families, including a spectacular show inside Winchester Science Centre’s mobile planetarium. Included in general cathedral ...
The Sunday Notices list the services and music for the coming week, our current prayer lists and notices from and for our community. If you have a notice you would like considered for inclusion in a ...
This year’s summer sermon series, Old Testament Shorts, is taking us into the less-frequented recesses of the Hebrew Bible. Today we come to the obscure prophet, Habakkuk. All that we know for certain ...
During the Evensong service on Monday 23 September, two non-residentiary canons and two lay canons were installed into the College of Canons at Salisbury Cathedral, by invitation of the Right Reverend ...
You can come and be part of an amazing team that is integral to the smooth functioning of the Cathedral. Whether you enjoy discussing the history of Salisbury Cathedral with visitors, are a budding ...
For many people, the Tower Tour is the absolute highlight of their visit to Salisbury Cathedral. Wind your way up narrow spiral staircases climbing 332 steps in easy stages into our ancient roof ...
Our ‘Father’ Willis organ is one of the Cathedral’s great treasures it is still fulfilling its purpose daily over 140 years after it was installed. Famous for its exceptional sound quality, it is an ...
Here you can find the music for each service as well as the readings and who is preaching for Sunday services and midweek Eucharists. If you have any questions about the Music Scheme, please email ...