What? More complicated stuff to learn, you might say. Wasn't the "Physics" section enough? All I want to do is go diving. True, but diving means to enter into an environment that is not natural for ...
In this section we describe and discuss all the instruments necessary for scuba diving: submersible pressure gauge (SPG), depth gauge, timing device, as well as the optional ones such as compass and ...
Time to talk about cameras, underwater cameras. We've tested and reviewed a large number of cameras underwater over the years, both with and without housing. Initially, it was safe to say that the ...
Olympus has been in the news as of late for all the wrong reasons, the corporate management kind that can affect a company's standing and progress. That's not what Olympus needs right now. I've always ...
Sometimes it's hard to tell by the title what a book is all about. "Submerged -- Adventures of America's Most Elite Underwater Archeology Team" certainly sounds interesting, but I wasn't quite sure ...
The Cavern Kings is a fictional story of three friends who discover their passion for diving the caverns and sinks of northern Florida. Author Jeff Bauer is a licensed NACD (National Association for ...
For a good many students in a scuba class, "diving science" means memorizing just enough facts about the gas laws to answer the multiple choice questions in the tests, and perhaps a few other ...
Now for something different. This is a breath-hold diver recollection book and one where scuba doesn't always looks so good. It's as different from the stack of northeastern wreck diving books I've ...
Above is an aerial view of the Wyndham resort area on the southwestern side of the Mexican island of Cozumel. The resort actually consists of several related resorts (the Wyndham, the Sabor and the ...
A while ago I wrote about my experiences with seeing colors underwater that human eyes are not supposed to see at depth (see "Red at Depth). In it I described and showed examples of bright red at ...
This is a review and description of the seven day/seven night "liveaboard" dive trip to the Midriff islands (Islas Grandes) of the Sea of Cortez onboard the Rocio Del Mar. The trip consists of crusing ...
Colors are different underwater. Colors are really nothing more than different wavelengths reflected by an object. Underwater, waves travel differently, and some wavelengths are filtered out by water ...