Read in full remarks by First Minister and SNP leader John Swinney at "For a Future Made in Scotland", the event marking ten ...
Anas Sarwar's MPs don't listen to him and his boss ignores his views. Labour's Scottish branch is being seen for what it ...
Ben Macpherson was elected as the constituency MSP for Edinburgh Northern in Leith in 2016. He is also Minister for Rural Affairs and the Natural Environment in the Scottish Government. Previously he ...
The SNP fully oppose the abolition of the Human Rights Act. Under the SNP, Scotland is the only part of the UK to have developed a National Action Plan on Human Rights. We believe that the protections ...
Our argument, our belief and our offer to the Scottish people is that Brexit Britain is not as good as it gets. We believe that decisions made in Scotland, for Scotland can deliver a better future for ...
If you need the help of your SNP representatives in Holyrood or Westminster, you'll find your local MSP or MP here.
The Scotland Act 2016 has given the Scottish Parliament the power, for the first time, to allow a public-sector bid for rail franchises in Scotland. This power was secured by the SNP government, after ...
The importance of our social care services has never been clearer. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to our nation’s carers for the commitment and compassion we have seen throughout the pandemic.
Shirley-Anne is the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice. Shirley-Anne has been the MSP for Dunfermline Constituency since 2016 and was re-elected in May 2021 with an increased majority. She also ...
Labour needs to be honest with Scotland’s voters about their energy scheme sell out – and that it will be workers in the North East who will suffer.
The SNP Scottish Government took the decision to opt out of the use of GM crops to protect Scotland’s environment and support Scottish agriculture. Scotland is world renowned for its natural, high ...
Nicola Sturgeon is our first female leader and Scotland’s first female First Minister. We are proud that the SNP government’s cabinet is one of only a handful in the world that is gender balanced but ...