Revenue: US$42.7m (down 20% from 3Q 2023). Net loss: US$9.60m (down from US$256.0k profit in 3Q 2023). US$1.47 loss per share (down from US$0.04 profit in 3Q 2023). All figures shown in the chart ...
Any relief could have reduced the AGR dues payable by Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel. Vodafone Idea’s debt burden would have ...
澳新银行分析师在一份报告中表示:“虽然降息50个基点暗示未来将面临严峻的经济逆风,但在美联储上调中期利率前景后,看跌的投资者并不满意。” ...
The most recent trading session ended with T. Rowe Price (TROW) standing at $104.48, reflecting a -1.47% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This change was narrower than the S&P 500's ...
The Taichi-II chiplet, which could one day power super-intelligent AI models, ups the ante in light-based processing. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate ...
咱住的这颗蓝色星球,地球,可不是啥“宅”在家里的乖宝宝!它在宇宙里狂飙的速度,那可是相当惊人!每秒600公里,这速度,简直6到飞起!到底是什么力量,让地球如此high?答案是:巨引源! 可别以为地球是漫无目的地乱窜,它可是朝着一个神秘的目标——巨引源 ...
Silver’s spot price is the price at which the precious metal can be bought or sold right now. That’s different from futures contracts, where you secure silver for delivery at a later date.
A complaint was registered at the cyber crime police station on Wednesday by the Associate Vice President of the legal ...
本周创业板指下跌0.19%,医疗器械板块下跌1.02%。 健帆生物本周累计上涨1.47%,周总成交额4.51亿元,截至本周收盘,健帆生物股价为24.78元。 9月11日晚间,健帆生物发布公告称,公司本次注销的回购股份数量为8846037股,占注销前公司总股本的1.0956%。本次注销完成后,公司总股本由807451312股变更为798605275股。经中国证券登记结算有限责任公司深圳分公司审核确认 ...
大型科技股普涨,英伟达涨超8%,创8月以来最大单日涨幅;英特尔涨超3%,亚马逊、微软涨超2%,苹果、奈飞、谷歌、Meta涨超1%,特斯拉小幅上涨。 2024年9月12日,国内ETF方面,纳指100ETF (513390)盘中涨2.67%,成交额超460万元,年初至今涨幅近14%。标普500ETF (513500)盘中涨1.47%,成交额超3200万元,交投活跃,今年来涨幅超20%。