The firm earned EGP 90.226 million in net profits in FY 2023/2024, down from EGP 119.213 million in the previous FY ...
法国8月新车销量同比下降24.3% 盖世汽车讯 据外国媒体报道,由于消费者对经济问题的担忧抑制了购买欲望,法国8月新车注册量呈现下降态势。 9月1 ...
想喝酒又不想酗酒怎么办?“零”酒精啤酒来了。据比利时《布鲁塞尔时报》25日报道,这种无酒精含量的啤酒日益受到该国消费者欢迎。过去几年 ...
坚持做最好的财经直播报道,给百姓最真的财经动态。 09月12日 09:34 在昨天(11日)的国新办新闻发布会上,相关负责人介绍,广西与东盟之间贸易 ...
At the opening of 2024, it may appear many investors are skipping to the beat of Timbuk 3's 1986 hit single, "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades." As of Dec. 27, the American Association ...
As the U.S. stock market experiences a downturn with major indices like the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite falling, investors are closely monitoring earnings reports from key companies such as Nvidia.
In fitness and finance, you need diligence, patience, and discipline. Steady dividends, combined with the power of compounding, are key to achieving exceptional financial success. We discuss our ...
As U.S. stock indexes experience notable declines, driven by a downturn in tech and chip stocks, investors are seeking stability amidst market volatility. In such an environment, growth companies ...
Last year was a surprisingly strong year for the U.S. stock market despite widespread prognostications for a continuation of the 2022 bear market and a looming recession. The Nasdaq-100 had its ...
【环球时报综合报道】想喝酒又不想酗酒怎么办?“零”酒精啤酒来了。据比利时《布鲁塞尔时报》25日报道,这种无酒精含量的啤酒日益受到该国 ...
The struggle of funding winter brought with it sanity in valuations and forced startups to cut their expenses to chart a profitable growth. This trend continued in FY24 as well Of the 48 startups ...
2023年,广西与东盟贸易额达3394.4亿元,创历史新高。今年前7月,广西进出口总值4013.3亿元,对东盟进出口2149.3亿元,同比增长24.3%。双方在基建、能源、农业等领域合作深化。 观点网讯:9月12 ...