Most people have worn a helmet, whether for sports or riding a bike, but probably nothing like the helmet A-10C Thunderbolt II pilots use to connect them to their aircraft. The HGU-55/P helmet ...
Most people have worn a helmet, whether for sports or riding a bike, but probably nothing like the helmet A-10C Thunderbolt II pilots use to connect them to their aircraft. The HGU-55/P helmet ...
Chances are good you’ve seen [The Warthog Project]’s fantastically detailed A-10 Thunderbolt II cockpit simulator before; we’ve featured it recently, and videos from the ongoing build pop up ...
A squadron of A-10 Thunderbolt II attack planes, known as Warthogs, are heading to the Middle East. The planes are replacing more advanced aircraft the air force previously deployed to the region ...
An curved arrow pointing right. A US Air Force A-10 "Warthog" instructor pilot breaks down every item she carries during a mission, including a G suit, helmet, and iPad. Capt. Lindsay "MAD ...
An A-10 Thunderbolt II accidentally fired off a non-explosive munition during a training exercise in South Korea in early October, prompting a three-day search for the lost weapon, Task & Purpose ...