一架俄罗斯军用伊尔-38反潜巡逻机周一(9月23日)下午在北海道礼文岛附近三次短暂侵犯日本领空,促使日本自卫队派遣战机进行紧急回应并发射照明弹警告。 路透社报道说,作为政府发言人的日本内阁官房长官林芳正 (Yoshimasa Hayashi)对记者说 ...
According to a news release from AVIC, the first AS700 was delivered to Guangxi Guilin Fangzhou General Aviation, a private ...
9月19日,中国商飞公司一架C919飞机从四川成都双流国际机场起飞,经过2小时8分钟飞行,平稳降落在西藏拉萨贡嘎国际机场。这是C919飞机首次飞抵拉萨。 Located in the Yarlung Zangbo River valley at an ...
China's homegrown C919 jetliner, developed by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), completed a flight from ...
综合外电23日报导,中方海军最近首度同时派3艘航母出海,展现了中国迅速成长并现代化的海军力量。而3艘航母中,「辽寧」和「山东」舰已在舰队中建立稳固地位,至于「福建」舰则是中国第一艘国产航母,仍在为服役做准备。随着中国海军持续扩大海军航空战力,预料这最 ...
To date, COMAC has delivered nine C919 aircraft to three leading Chinese airlines. China Southern and Air China received ...
位于塔什干东郊的这个工人文化宫(Palace of Aircraft Manufacturers)建成于1981年,解体后处于闲置状态。2022年,文化宫的建筑以及周围2.16公顷的土地,被无偿移交给了国防部。同年,国防部也开始了一项修复、开发这座著名苏联现代主义建筑的计划。
On September 3rd afternoon, XPENG AEROHT hosted a preview event showcasing its modular flying car, the "Land Aircraft Carrier ...
Aviation Industry Corp of China, the nation's leading aircraft maker, has delivered the AS700 multipurpose civilian airship ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND) on Monday (Sept. 23) denied Beijing's accusations that three ...