To date, COMAC has delivered nine C919 aircraft to three leading Chinese airlines. China Southern and Air China received ...
A direct flight route will be launched to connect the city of Changzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, with Japan's Tokyo ...
据报道,欧盟竞争主管玛格丽特・维斯塔格迄今为止已经对谷歌处以超过 80 亿欧元(当前约 629.68 亿元人民币)的罚款,并呼应了美国司法部的建议,表示谷歌的广告技术业务应该被拆分。
Over 83,000 passengers traveled through Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, statistics of the Baiyun Station of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection showed. Th ...
Beijing's Capital Airlines has launched a new direct flight route from Huangshan Airport in east China's Anhui Province to Muan County in South Korea. It became the first air route to Muan since the ...
**卡帕多西亚(Cappadocia)**位于土耳其中部,以其独特的石林地貌和壮丽的热气球景观而闻名。这片地区的火山岩石经过千年的风蚀和水蚀,形成了奇特的石柱、蘑菇状的岩石和深邃的洞穴住宅。卡帕多西亚不仅是地质奇观的典范,也是体验空中热气球的最佳去处 ...
SHANGHAI, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China's homegrown C919 jetliner, developed by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), completed a flight from southwest China's Sichuan Province to the ...
(新加坡20日讯)明年农历新年初一落在1月29日(周三),有不少马来西亚游子会提前请假,选择在除夕(28日)返乡与家人共度佳节,农历新年往返吉隆坡的机票价格从280新元(约908令吉38仙)起跳,一些热门时段有廉价航空开出的价格甚至逼近1000新元( ...
Aviation Industry Corp of China, the nation's leading aircraft maker, has delivered the AS700 multipurpose civilian airship ...