檀谷靠着社区服务、空间美学、人文活动和非标商业的加持,不断吸引着新中产和年轻人的到来,并不断邀请高品质主理人品牌入驻,给出了新消费背景下 “anti-mall”的全新解法。
BEIJING, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Monday said that it has received the consultation request that the European Union (EU) issued through the World Trade ...
【ITBEAR】9月7日消息,AMD近日公开了其全新的反延迟技术——Radeon Anti-Lag 2的软件开发工具包(SDK),该工具包已在GPUOpen和GitHub平台上面向开发者发布。
Gogolook走着瞧-创(6902)收购荷兰防诈服务商ScamAdviser后,今日发布旗下最新企业防诈解决方案品牌ScamAdviser,以Anti-Scam Intelligence防诈 AI技术与模型为基础,发展三大企业防诈解决方案,提供全球企业客户防诈 ...
Em muitas partes do mundo, a "Semana da China" é frequentemente referida como eventos de intercâmbio cultural. Mas uma ...
China on Saturday started an anti-dumping investigation into halogenated butyl rubber imported from Canada, Japan and India.
开始支持Right Anti Join,会自动以较小的表构造hash表 数据下游可以通过备节点订阅数据修改从而降低主库的工作负载。
China's Ministry of Commerce on Tuesday expressed willingness to engage in further consultations with the European Union ...