荣幸宣布将于 2024年10月25日 推出艺术家 方力钧 在画廊空间的最新个展「 观·近远 」。本次展览由 杜曦云 担任策展人,集中呈现艺术家近几年来创作的20余件作品,展期将持续至12月8日。
Cultural and commercial landmark Xintiandi has kicked off its inaugural "Art to Gather" festival, bringing an exhilarating ...
著名当代艺术家、中国美术学院书法学院教授王冬龄于当地时间2024年9月27日在哈佛艺术博物馆考尔德伍德庭院进行了一场书法创作“飞花散雪:王冬龄书苏东坡西湖诗”,并于同期在哈佛大学设计研究生院举办讲座与工作坊。On September 27, 2024 ...
Lacquer fans has been a trend among fashion lovers in China for some time, both online and offline. With a gentle float of ...
A speech delivered by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, at a symposium ...
This year's National Day Golden Week saw a surge of "Chinese fever" in Paris, France, where local media and audiences were ...
“Echo” is an international ceramic art exhibition showcasing works from 24 artists across China, Germany, the USA, the UK, ...
The online platform Yunshang Songyun has linked up with 17 local Hangzhou museums through games, lotteries, and knowledge ...
10月14日,中国—新西兰自贸协定项下对中国公民的5类专属工作签证(China Special Work ...
数十年来,芯片制造的巅峰追求聚焦于先进制程技术,引得业界竞相追逐。从早期的56nm、28nm,到14nm、7nm,再到目前广泛讨论的5nm、3nm,以及 台积电 正全力推进的2nm...在摩尔定律的指引下,这些数字不仅代表着芯片制造技术的不断精进,更预示着芯片性能与能效的显著提升。