实验结果表明:GR-KAN 计算效率高、易于实现,并且可以无缝集成到视觉 transformer(ViT)中,取代 MLP 层以实现卓越的性能。此外,该研究的设计允许 KAT 从 ViT 模型加载预训练权重并继续训练以获得更好的结果。
Part of: Numerical approximation and computational geometry Applications to specific types of physical systems ...
Providing a much-needed practical and basic introduction to computer-aided geometric design, this book will help readers understand and use the elements, curves and surfaces, without the mathematical ...
Providing a much-needed practical and basic introduction to computer-aided geometric design, this book will help readers understand and use the elements, curves and surfaces, without the mathematical ...