China's non-financial outbound direct investment increased 12.4 percent year on year to 94.09 billion US dollars in the first ...
"Hong Kong has always been a key part of China's engagement with the world," said Dilma Rousseff, President of the New ...
"I am proud that all our athletes in the Hong Kong, China Delegation have competed in the true spirit of the Olympic motto, ...
查娃薇(右起)及阿克玛陪同苏克里,为“狂犬病醒觉日”开幕。左为拉扎里。(张洁盈摄)(加央26日讯)大马兽医服务局总监阿克玛说,目前全马只剩下砂拉越仍有狂犬病肆虐,西马及沙巴已宣布零病例,包括雪兰莪2年前发现有男子因狂犬病逝世病例,如今也已通过2年观察 ...
(原标题:2024 Belt and Road Summit | Nicholas Ho: Partnerships Are Key to Hong Kong's Role as a Regional Hub) The 2024 Belt and Road Summit, which will be held from September 11 to 12, centers on the ...
"The Belt and Road Initiative can drive green development." Dilma Rousseff, the president of New Development Bank emphasized on the "green feature" of the BRI on the 2024 Belt and Road Summit.
Co-hosted by WTPF and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), the forum as part of the 2024 China ...
业内盛事2024年Automechanika Frankfurt法兰克福国际汽车零部件、汽车技术及服务展览会已圆满闭幕。覆盖26个展厅的展示面积超32万m2,共迎接来自约80多个国家和地区的4200余家参展商以及来自172个国家和地区逾108 ...
The Shenxing PLUS battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (CATL) is exhibited during the 24th China ...
作为全球自动化领域的数字化转型专家,欧姆龙自动化(中国)有限公司(以下简称"欧姆龙")始终秉承 "i-Automation!" 革新制造理念,为制造业数智低碳转型提供坚实的技术支撑。在近日举办的第 24 ...
China partners with 5 leading Pakistani universities to boost disaster prevention efforts ...